2014-08-30 SBL-0524034260-KFKF-SB 500 MHz to 40 0 GHz Bench-Top BroadbModel SBL-0524034260-KFKF-SB is a bench-top broadband low noise amplifier operating from 0.5 to 40.0 GHz. The amplifier exhibits 42 dB small signal gain and average 6.0 dB noise figure over the entire frequency range. The minimum P-1 is +10 dBm.

The bench top amplifier is designed to use 100 to 240 V AC power directly from lab outlet. The bench top amplifier measures 3.75” (W) x 4.15” (L) and 1.75” (H). It is equipped with K female connectors for RF input and output connections.

The bench-top amplifier product line from SAGE Millimeter also offers many other models covering the frequency range of DC to 50 GHz.
