AWR Corp. announces the winners of its 2013 Xidian University student design competition, held this autumn in Xi’an, China as part of the company’s global Student Design Competition Program. The Xidian competition was announced in June of this year and resulted in dozens of high quality designs being submitted. The winners were announced during an awards ceremony this November. The winning teams comprised:

First Prize Teams:

  • Hongliang Yang, Bo Yan, and Shenlin Gao
  • Zhou Chen, Zhen Jia, and Xin Wang

Second Prize Teams:

  • Shizhong Liu, Rongrong Chen, and Lijuan Zhang
  • Shizhong Liu, Rongrong Chen, and Shengjie Wang
  • Huan Zhang, Cheng Song
  • Chen Sun, Qingqing Zhang, and Shengjie Wang

Third Prize Teams:

  • Yizhe Wang, Huan Lin, and Chao Wang
  • Feng Qiu, Lingzhi Zhang, and Lei Lin
  • Xin Wang, Yingchun Fan, and Zhou Chen
  • Jian Ren and Zhaoxing Li
  • Hongliang Yang, Peng Liu and Pengcheng Gao

“The contest provided us with a good platform for study and communication,” said Yang Hongliang, first prize team contest winner. “We learned some of the industry leading design philosophy and approaches, especially the design method and design flow of RF circuits and systems with AWR software. I believe our future study and work will benefit a lot from the experience. Thanks for holding such a meaningful competition and we deeply appreciate the software and technical support AWR provides for us at no charge. We hope there will be other similar AWR competitions in the future.”

As part of its active and committed University Program, AWR sponsors student design competitions throughout the world in order to jumpstart the careers of future RF/microwave engineers through real-world design experiences using AWR high-frequency design software. Xidian University, as a key Chinese national key university providing world-class electronics engineering education and training, is an ideal venue for an Asia Pacific-based competition. Many excellent papers were submitted and it was a difficult decision to determine the winners. Prizes for the competition included both cash and in-kind software gifts.