The interface between the FEKO 3D electromagnetic simulator and the Optenni Lab matching circuit optimization software has been extended with a new layer of automated workflow, making them even easier to use together in the simulation, design and matching of antennas.

The new automation macro removes the manual steps that were previously necessary to move results between the two programs. Calling the automation macro in CADFEKO will set up and simulate the required configuration for the antenna, calculating the S-parameter response and sending it to Optenni Lab in Touchstone format.

When working with multiport structures like MIMO antennas, the macro has additional options for how ports should be terminated. Once the Touchstone file is loaded in Optenni Lab the matching circuit topologies and component values are optimised to meet the user specifications. The matching circuit response is then sent back to FEKO and automatically added to the antenna excitation as a general non-radiating network.