Software Defined Radio Architectures, Systems and Functions

John Wiley & Sons Inc.
456 pages; $155, £85
ISBN: 0-470-85164-3

For a software defined radio (SDR) system to be useful as an adaptable future-proof solution and to cover both existing and emerging standards, it is required to have elements of reconfigurability, intelligence and software programmable hardware. This book deals with reconfigurability aspects in various layers on the network and terminal, as well as the introduction of reconfigurability management middleware and protocol adaptability mechanisms. Chapter 1 describes the reconfigurable systems in a heterogeneous environment. The traditional SDR concept introduces flexible terminal reconfiguration by replacing radios completely implemented in hardware by ones that are configurable or even programmable in software. Chapter 2 deals with the requirements for SDR terminals. It describes user studies to identify the initial requirements for reconfigurable systems and networks. Chapter 3 explains the need for network reconfigurability management. Chapter 4 deals with adaptive protocols. Chapter 5 describes network architectures and functions. Chapter 6 describes a self-learning and adaptive system called complex organic distributed architecture (CODA), which represents a new generation of decision-making systems. Chapter 7 studies open application-programming interfaces for flexible service provisions and reconfiguration management. Chapter 8 presents a framework for charging and billing for reconfigurable service. Chapter 9 describes communication profiles for reconfigurable systems. Chapter 10 discusses radio resources management in heterogeneous networks. Chapter 11 is a study of spectrum-sharing and joint radio resources management. Chapter 12 describes the mode identification and monitoring of air interfaces. Chapter 13 introduces the reconfiguration of the network elements. Chapter 14 deals with management, control and data interfaces. Chapter 15 discusses the reconfiguration principles for adaptive baseband. In the context of SDR, the objective for baseband reconfiguration is to redefine the functionality, behavior and performance of the baseband transceiver chains.

Systems Approach to Engineering Design

This book offers a thorough and practical introduction to the utilization of system design engineering for managing system design projects. This comprehensive resource shows how to incorporate system thinking and system engineering techniques into every stage of the design process from concept inception, testing and quality assurance to implementation, delivery and upgrading. It features real-world examples that clearly illustrate individual techniques, showing how they are used together to effectively manage a small design team and to engineer designs with minimal resources.

Chapter 1 explains the elements of system thinking and system engineering, which are the basis for understanding the methods and processes given in the successive chapters. Chapter 2 moves the level of discussion inward from consideration of the whole system, taking the previously given ideas toward practical application of system thinking in design. Chapter 3 deals with staffing issues of importance to the design team situation. Staff members need good information technology (IT) systems to perform well. Chapter 4 deals with the IT aspect of the design team’s work. Chapter 5 covers the process of design, including where the design fits into the life cycle process, the types of design that are practiced and application of design fundamentals. Chapter 6 explains the design concepts and requirements development, including the environment of development in which the customer, contractor and other groups interact as requirements are extracted. Chapter 7 shows how to establish and select the design choices. Chapter 8 explores the ways to optimize a design, while Chapter 9 explains the suitability and operability aspects of a design. Chapter 10 covers the legal and security issues associated with the design. Chapter 11 deals with prototyping and modeling in design. An appreciation of the elements of change and future trends in the application of system engineering is offered in Chapter 12.