Buyers Guide n. a catalog of companies indexed by product

Engineers, designers, and manufacturers who are looking for products and information in the categories listed below use the Buyers Guide to start their search. The search results in a list of companies relative to the selected category. Drilling down into this list connects buyers with manufacturers, thus producing new business and relationships that last for years to come.

Over 1,200 companies are listed in the Buyers Guide. There are two categories of company listing: Basic and Premium. The Basic listing is free and it includes company name and location, phone and fax numbers, and a website address. The Premium listing is $7,000 and it includes all of this, plus a company description, logo, list of products, data sheets, news, videos, white papers, photos, references to articles published by or about this company in the Microwave Journal magazine, and a list of events in which this company participates. Print advertisers receive a 50% discount on the Premium listing price.

Premium listing companies receive three additional benefits: (1) they are listed first, with their logos and company descriptions, in the Buyers Guide search results; (2) they have a product featured on our weekly Microwave Advisor newsletter several times each year; and (3) a report of leads generated by the Premium listing is issued upon request.

Search the Buyers Guide to see if your company is listed, and if not, use the Get Listed in this Directory link on the Buyers Guide landing page to get started.

The Buyers Guide is indexed by the following product categories:

  • Active Components
  • Amplifiers
  • Antennas
  • Cables/Connectors
  • Manufacturing Services
  • Materials/Packages
  • Optoelectronics & Fiber Optics
  • Passive Components
  • Semiconductors/Integrated Circuits
  • Software & CAD
  • Systems and Subsystems
  • Test and Measurement
  • Transmission-Line Components