The hottest news in town is not that AR RF/Microwave Instrumentation put two amplifiers in a single chassis, but for the first time you can go all the way from 0.8 to 18 GHz with the reliability of solid-state.

AR's Dual Band Amplifiers can be used for multiple applications because they are linear and extremely load tolerant. With AR's Dual Band Amplifiers, you have freedom like never before. You pick the power from 5 to 80 W. You pick the bandwidth from 0.8 to 8.0 GHz, 0.8 to 10.6 GHz or 0.8 to 18 GHz. AR puts it together for you in one package that costs less, weighs less, and takes less space than two separate amplifiers.

If you want to upgrade later, no problem. AR makes its Dual Band Amplifiers with built-in flexibility for increased power levels because your needs are constantly changing.